
For reliable risk measurement.

Powerful models and tools based on a very strong foundation: our unique data pool.

Well-informed decision-making for your business.

Risk management in the financial sector has become a highly complex discipline. Along with tightened regulatory requirements, players face a difficult interest rate environment, new entrants, a variety of asset classes, and increasing default rates.

Reliable risk assessment has become a major challenge. For financial institutions, whose core business is built around the assessment of credit risks – and for insurers and asset managers, whose business success stands and falls on smart investment decisions.

Software solution by RSU provide effective relief. Immediately implementable, our models and tools meet all regulatory standards. A strong foundation is guaranteed by our comprehensive data pool, which is unique in Europe.

Rely on our expertise. Enhance your decision certainty while sparing your in-house resources.


Your issues

– our solutions

“Effective rating processes, top-notch expertise, and friendly personal service – that’s what we value in RSU.”

Head of Strategic Methods & Procedures for Bank Controlling (SMB) Oldenburgische Landesbank AG

“We’re very pleased to have found a capable and reliable partner in RSU, whose tools provide valuable support in our risk management process.”

Florian Stärk, Head of Asset Pricing & Analysis – MEAG

“When you outsource key processes such as the development and maintenance of internal rating procedures, your outsourcing partner has to meet high demands. RSU does a really good job here.”

Head of Risk Controlling – Landesbank Baden-Württemberg

“Our internal rating processes, powered by RSU, help us make precise statements on companies’ creditworthiness, enabling portfolio managers to make much better risk assessments in the course of the issuer selection process.”

Dr. Peter Andres, Chairman of the Management Board – SIGNAL IDUNA Asset Management GmbH

“RSU is a powerful partner to us, offering rating procedures based on large data pools and a professional exchange among experts.”

Florian Merkl, Head of Risk Controlling – NRW.Bank

“After intense scrutiny, we found a reliable partner in RSU. Their processes have proven their worth over the years.”

CIO and Head of Infrastructure Debt – Allianz Global Investors

LB-Rating: Precision and reliability for your internal rating procedures

Our rating systems support integrated risk analysis. In addition to quantitative and qualitative data, they take into account potential warning signs and influencing factors. Simply select the modules relevant for you – they can easiyl be integrated with your in-house systems.
Learn more

Loss estimation: Solid values, licensed procedures, more certainty

To assess a default risk, in addition to creditworthiness you need to determine the potential loss amount. Our loss estimation procedures enable you to make a highly accurate estimate, even in the context of IFRS 9 and the lifetime principle.
Learn more

Our clients

Specific requirements call for special solutions.

provides effective solutions for early risk detection. Validated data is combined with innovative algorithms and models to form meaningful information tailored to your portfolio – so you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips to take corrective action at the first warning signs.

offers powerful tools for managing your financial market data. Our systems automatically deliver accurate, consistent, and quality-assured data from a single source to all relevant divisions and departments – reliably and customized to each unit’s needs.

Questions? We’ll be happy to answer them.
Write to or call +49.(0)89.442340-0