Get on top of the EU’s key regulatory project for promoting Sustainable Finance
The trend is clear and irreversible:
Ecological and economic necessities are increasingly overlapping, raising new challenges especially for the finance industry.
The EU intends to promote sustainable business practices by steering capital flows in the right direction. That’s what the EU Taxonomy is for, which financial institutions are expected to implement.
In addition to typical credit risk factors, state-of-the-art risk management now also needs to cover non-financial risk.
The EU Taxonomy is a regulatory project of monumental proportions with considerable – and costly – implications for financial institutions. The notes on “Best Available Techniques” (BAT) and the relevant legislation alone represent more than 30,000 printed pages. Moreover, businesses will have to access numerous public data sources to calculate CO2 emissions and energy levels.
RSU’s Taxo Master allows to efficiently implement the EU Taxonomy.
RSU GmbH & Co. KG and VÖB-Service GmbH have formed an extensive strategic partnership to harness the Taxonomy’s enormous complexity and provide the best possible support for its broad implementation. The idea is to integrate VÖB’s digital Taxonomy solution (TAXO TOOL) with a workflow application that enables users to compile a Taxonomy dataset on an existing platform (RSU Taxo Master).
RSU Taxo Master (RTM) allows to check borrowers and their loans for eligibility for and compiance with the Taxonomy. It handles borrower data and provides the functionality for determining eligibility for the Taxonomy whereas TAXO TOOL is used for the compliance check.