
Market Data and Honey

It’s all about the Golden Value

Our honey has attracted you?
Good to see!

It is the result of the intensive cooperation of thousands of bees, working together in complex structures to achieve success. It is precisely the processing of information in the beehives that is crucial for the success of the community.
If, due to incorrect information, the honey collectors in a hive do not swarm out in the direction of a flowering field but in the direction of a lake, this leads to considerable losses and can be critical for the preservation of the bee colony.

...actually just like a bank:

A bank also depends on basing its decisions on correct information and data.
There are considerable risks here, especially when using market data.
If a bank makes faulty risk management decisions based on incorrect market data, performs its daily P&L calculation incorrectly or submits incorrect data to its reporting system, it will not become critical for the bank’s survival – but it can certainly lead to considerable losses.

The processing of market data is a complex workflow that, after comprehensive quality assurance steps, leads to a validated golden value – not as sweet as our honey, but just as valuable.

White Paper

Market Data for IPV

Our white paper provides an overview of how the supply of market data should ideally be structured and how this enables the independent price verification (IPV) required by Basel to be carried out efficiently and pragmatically.

Do you have questions about
our market data solutions?

We would be happy to check with you whether cost and quality benefits can also be realised for your institution:
Dr. Thomas Reichsthaler,, phone +49.(0)89.442340-0

MDA: Quality data from a single source – for all organizational units

Data collection, golden values, quality assurance, data harmonization: just leave everything to our integrated data management system Market Data Application (MDA). As a Single Point of Truth, it provides your company’s finance and risk functions with the information they need.
more about MDA

MDAS: Data Quality as a Service

MDAS is is ideal for your needs if you wish to benefit from our market data system MDA but don’t want to be bothered with its operation and administration. Just specify your requirements and leave everything else in our hands. With us taking full technical responsibility, you’ll benefit from even greater ease and more convenience.
more about MDAS

Questions? We’ll be happy to answer them.
Write to or call +49.(0)89.442340-0